Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Everything Is Illuminated - Summer Reading: Possible Essay Questions (9/17/14)

Four of these questions will appear on the test. Prepare enough material to answer any one of them.

Throughout the novel, fantasy and reality are convoluted and conflated. How does this situation affect the way we interpret the story? Does Foer portray fantasy in a positive or negative light at different points in the book?

Many major and minor questions in this novel go unresolved. How does the presence of mystery affect the story?

Is there anything unusual about the way Jewish people are portrayed during the Holocaust, compared with other classic accounts?

Explain the title of the novel, Everything is Illuminated. What is "everything," and how and when is it illuminated? For whom is everything illuinated? What is the force that enlightens, and is there anyone or anything guiding it?

What role does chance play in the novel? From the evidence in the text, to what degree do we control our own lives and history? Is this a good text for examining general themes about agency, chance, and fate, or do we do injustice to an idiosyncratic narrative by looking for overbroad themes?

How is forgiveness treated in the novel? How is it important? What is its purpose?

Why do so many of the characters in the novel, including Jonathan, fail to find the things for which they are searching?

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