Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Piano Lesson - Summer Reading: Possible Essay Questions (9/17/14)

Four of these questions will appear on the test. Prepare enough material to answer any one of them.

What is the piano lesson? What is the biblical symbolism of the struggle over the piano?

Why can't Boy Willie and Lymon lift the piano the second time?

Describe the role that Doaker plays in The Piano Lesson.

Discuss what the piece says about gender. How do the characters define masculinity or femininity? In what ways do these perceptions about gender empower characters, and in what ways do these perceptions about gender limit or confine characters?

What is the significance of the railroad in this play? Consider, for example, Doaker's reflections on railroad travelers, his traveling song, the Ghosts of the Yellow Dog, etc.

What is the significance of Avery's dream? Consider in particular his use of allegory.

The Piano Lesson is often a humorous play. Discuss one example of the comic in the play. Upon what literary devices does it rely? What is its thematic significance?

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