Thursday, February 12, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 7-11 Vocab (2/12/15)

To Kill a Mockingbird Chapters 7-11 Vocab

ascertain p.69 - to find out or learn with certainty
cleave p.69 - to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly
aberration p.72 - something (such as a problem or type of behavior) that is unusual or unexpected
accost p.74 - to approach and speak to in a challenging or aggressive way
libel p.76 - the act of publishing a false statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone
analogous p.89 - similar in some way
provocation p.90 - an action or occurrence that causes somebody to become angry or to begin to do something.
trousseau p.92 - the clothes and personal possessions that a woman collects when she is about to get married
tarried p.96 - to be slow in going; to stay somewhere
obstreperous p.97 - difficult to control and often noisy
evasion p.99 - the act of avoiding something; a statement or action that avoids something such as a difficult problem or question
mausoleum p.103 - a stone building with places for the dead bodies of several people, or the body of one important person
erratic p.106 - acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected or usual; not consistent or regular
jubilantly p.113 - feeling or expressing great joy; very happy
apoplectic p.115 - very angry and excited
philippic p.117 - a discourse or declaration of bitter condemnation
umbrage p.117 - a feeling of being offended by something someone has done or said (take umbrage)
cantankerous p.127 - often angry or annoyed

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